Widyaiswara dan Lesson Study

31 Okt 2014
Widyaiswara dan Lesson Study
Oleh : Cut N. Ummu Athiyah M.Pd Widyaiswara Madya


Lesson Study (LS), currently becomes a worldwide topic. It refers to a process in which teachers progressively strive to improve their teaching and learning quality by collaborating with other teachers and experts. The LS process is aimed to examine teaching and learning process in the classroom without criticize the teacher who was observed. Lesson Study has 3 main cycles, plan, do and, reflection. Pusdiklat TTPK as MoRA’s Center of Education Traininghas big challenge to develop Madrasah’s teacher competences in teaching learning process-especially in the new curriculum of 2013- through this Lesson Study. By design, Widyaiswara as the agent of training also take a part to desiminate Lesson Study programe


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