Call for Papers Religious Literature

29 Jan 2024
Call for Papers Religious Literature
Call for Papers Jurnal Lektur

Jakarta (Balitbang Diklat)---Dear, Researchers


We are pleased to extend a warm invitation to submit your manuscripts to Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan [JLKa] SINTA 2.


The focus and scope of this study are studies on religious literature and heritage, including the studies of classic and contemporary religious manuscripts, religious history and society, religious archaeology, and religious arts on the scope of Nusantara.


Since Vol. 21 No. 01 June 2024, the focus and scope of this study are studies on the Religious Literature of Nusantara/Indonesia and beyond, including:

1. Religious Books: Researching the historical development, textual analysis, and cultural significance of religious books.

2. Modern Literature: Examining traditional and contemporary literary works that encompass religious themes, analysing their significance and relevance.

3. Digital Literature: Exploring the impact of digital technologies on religious texts, examining new forms of digital religious literature, and studying the implications for interpretation and transmission.


This journal adopts a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating sociological, anthropological, ethnographical, hermeneutic, critical discourse analysis, post-modernism, linguistic, big data and public policy methodologies. By engaging in these diverse perspectives, the journal seeks to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the Religious Literature of Nusantara/Indonesia and beyond, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and advancing knowledge in this field.


We believe that your contributions would greatly enrich our publication.  


Submit Paper to:

Click here for Online Submission: 


Deadline for Submission: February 29, 2024.


Remember, It's free of charge.


For any queries related to publication support kindly reach us at

Mobile & WhatsApp: +62-812 111 7577

or mail to:



With Thanks and Regards

Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan [JLKa]


ISSN: 2620-522X (online), ISSN: 1693-7139 (print)

Penulis: Mulyawan Safwandy
Sumber: -
Editor: Dewi Indah Ayu/Sri
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